Monday, April 20, 2020

Blame It On The Pandemic

Well, this is weird.

I just started to normalize my body clock again and here I am now still wide awake at 7:12 in the morning.
I slept early the other day, though.
I woke up at around 5 in the morning yesterday.
Watched a few shows.
Slept again at 10AM because I thought I didn't have enough energy to function yet with my other activities.
I was planning to wake up at lunch time but woke up at 3 in the afternoon.
I felt a little lethargic so I decided to get up to combat that feeling.
I had my super late lunch.
Watched a movie with the sis.
I wasn't able to finish it.
I think I had a power nap at around 6 in the evening.
Or is it maybe a 1-hour nap?


I decided to just go through my stuff.
Y'know? Do whatever.
Then I played with Ysabella.
She's quite so into me recently.
Always hanging out here in my room.
Or you know, just wherever I am.
She's so cute.

At around 9 in the evening I did my cardio workout.
I was actually thinking of skipping it yesterday but since I didn't exercise the other day and I was feeling all sluggish, I decided to go through it.
I deserve a pat on the back, don't you think?
I did the Fat Burning Cardio of Shaun T.
Barely finished it because I felt like shit nga. :(
I don't know what's with me yesterday.
Anyway, after that routine, I did some arm exercises.
Then I did a couple more of dance cardio workouts but it was cut short.
I usually can do like 6-7 (songs) dance workout videos even after the 30-minute Fat Burning routine but I suddenly felt nauseated.
Dafuq was happening?

Usually, I do the Shaun T. routine then do a few repetitions of dance cardio workouts.
I actually love dancing to Red Velvet's Bad Boy.
Yes, the original dance routine.
Not a dance workout, but I find it so interesting and I love the steps so much and it helps me sweat like crazy.
Keeps my heart beat raising.
I can dance to that shit for like 5 times in a row.
No exaggerations.
It's kinda like my way of cooling down.
Yesterday, I was able to do it only one time.

I thought I won't be able to review but I got to read a few pages and take down notes after working out and cleaning myself.
At around 2 in the morning, I decided to stop to get some rest.
Guess what, bijjes?

The irony.
Here I am, trying to fix my sleep and stuff.
Trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
But things like this happen.
Is it because of the pandemic?
I've been reading a lot of people's posts that their body clocks are messed up, too.
Hope things will get better soon.
I'm praying for that everyday.

Okay, it's exactly 7:32AM now.
Been writing for 20 minutes straight na pala.

Gotta go for now.
I'll try to do some light reading.

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