Monday, April 20, 2020

Blame It On The Pandemic

Well, this is weird.

I just started to normalize my body clock again and here I am now still wide awake at 7:12 in the morning.
I slept early the other day, though.
I woke up at around 5 in the morning yesterday.
Watched a few shows.
Slept again at 10AM because I thought I didn't have enough energy to function yet with my other activities.
I was planning to wake up at lunch time but woke up at 3 in the afternoon.
I felt a little lethargic so I decided to get up to combat that feeling.
I had my super late lunch.
Watched a movie with the sis.
I wasn't able to finish it.
I think I had a power nap at around 6 in the evening.
Or is it maybe a 1-hour nap?


Sunday, April 19, 2020

PsychKONiC ka ba?

I'm getting a little burned out already in reviewing.

So, I created this PsychKONiC page.
And yes, that's me.

I'm a 100% iKONIC and a Psychology graduate who's currently studying for the BLEPP.
It's a board licensure examination for Psychologists and Psychometricians.
Yeah, hoping to get my own license and have that RPm at the end of my name.


I've been reviewing for 2 months now. We all have our own style in studying, right?
While others choose a quiet environment, I prefer listening to music while reading because the silence bums me out.
There are days when I get easily distracted and that's when I would lower the volume of my speakers.
However, I realized that when I'm really in the zone, it doesn't matter if the music is too loud or too low.